Athletics NCCP Direct to Evaluation Application

Athletics NCCP Direct to Evaluation Application

The NCCP is a competency-based program based on coaching abilities, meaning the NCCP is a program that certifies coaches based on proven abilities to “DO” certain things deemed important to meet the needs of the participants they coach. The NCCP is competency based, and as a result certification is based upon what a coach is able to demonstrate, not the training they may or may not have undergone.

Coaches must go through the evaluation process for the context in which they are coaching. Evaluation must include the entire evaluation process for the context in which the coach is being certified (including online multi-sport evaluations). This ensures the coach is able to demonstrate the required competencies for the context, and removes the need for Athletics Canada or other partners to “judge” the relevance or rigor of the many different international programs that exist.

Coaches do not receive credit for “training” modules that they do not complete, but will be able to achieve “certified” status upon a successful evaluation. This only applies in contexts where certified status is available to coaches. There is no such thing as “equivalency”.

Who should fill out this form? Any coach may request to go direct to evaluation, in particular, coaches who have done coach training in other countries; coaches with extensive experience in the sport as athletes or officials or who have acquired significant sport experience; coaches who have completed secondary education degrees in a sport-related discipline.